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Dr. Jan Brase

Dr. rer. nat.
ORCID: 0000-0002-8250-6253

Head of Research and Development
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Göttingen State and University Library

Papendiek 14 (Historical Building, room 2.213)
D-37070 Göttingen

+49 551 39-33878 (Tel.)

Curriculum vitae:

I graduated in Mathematics at the University of Hannover in 1999 and received my
doctoral degree in Computer Science in 2005.
My research background is metadata, ontologies and digital libraries.
I wrote the first German version of the Metadata standard LOM by the LTSC/IEEE in 2000 and co-worked on
the realization of the RDF-binding of LOM in 2003.

I was assistant at the Information Systems Department of the University of Hannover from 1999 until 2003 and
from 2004 I was working as a researcher for the L3S-center for innovative learning technologies.
From January 2005 until August 2006 I was coordinating the research issues in the field digital libraries for the
German National Library for Science and Technology (TIB), a member of the L3S.
In that context I was technical advising the registration of scientific primary data (project webpage)
in the context
of a project founded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

and was responsible for the creation of the DOI application profile for scientific data.

From September 2006 on I was coordinating the DOI registration agency at TIB.
From January 2010 to December 2014 I was the Executive Officer of DataCite
which widens the DOI registration agency of TIB to a global consortium of libraries and information institutes.
From January 2015 to June 2015 I was EU Research Liaison Officer at TIB,
since July 2015 I am head of the Research and Development at SUB Göttingen.

I am President of the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI)
and Co-Chair of the CODATA Task group on Data Citation

In 2011 I received the German "Library Hi-Tech award".

Jan Brase in Google Scholar
Jan Brase in Microsoft Academic research
Jan Brase in Scopus

Publications and talks


Libraries and Data – Paradigm Shifts and Challenges
Together with W.Horstmann
BIBLIOTHEK – Forschung und Praxis
2016; 40(2): 1–5

ODIN: the ORCID and DataCite interoperability network
Together with Martin Fenner; Laurel L. Haak; Gudmundur A. Thorisson; Sergio Ruiz; Todd J. Vision
Int. J. of Knowledge and Learning
2014 Vol.9, No.4, pp.305 - 325

The Tenth Anniversary of Assigning DOI Names to Scientific Data and a Five Year History of DataCite
Together with I. Sens and M. Lautenschlager
in D-Lib Magazine
January/February 2015
Volume 21, Number 1/2

DataCite and DOI names for research data
Together with J. Neumann
in Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
July 2014
ISSN: 1573-4951
doi: 10.1007/s10822-014-9776-5

Data Citation: Principles and Practice
Together with Y. Socha, S. Callaghan, C. Borgman, P. Uhlir, and B. Carroll
in Research Data management (2014)
Joyce M. Ray (editor)
Purdue University Press
ISBN 13: 9781557536648

Making data citable: DataCite
in Opening Science - The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing (2014)
Bartling, Sönke, Friesike, Sascha (Eds.)
Springer open book
ISBN 978-3-319-00025-1

Data Identification and Citation — The Key to Unlocking the Promise of Data Sharing and Reuse
Together with A. Farquhar
in D-Lib Magazine
January/February 2014
Volume 20, Number 1/2

DataCite and linked data
in Global Interoperability and Linked Data in Libraries: Special issue
Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
p 365 - 375

Integration von nicht-textuellen Objekten in das GetInfo Portal der Technischen Informationsbibliothek
in with I. Bluemel
EMISA Forum 01/2011

The DataCite consortium
in For Attribution -- Developing Data Attribution
and Citation Practices and Standards: Summary of an International Workshop

The National Academies Press
p 95 - 98
ISBN-10: 0-309-26728-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-309-26728-1
Free online version

Kommentar aus Bibliothekssicht
Together with I. Sens and U. Rosemann
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie
ZfBB 58 (2011) 3-4
S 172 - 176

Access to Research Data
D-Lib Magazine, Volume 17, Number 1/2
ISSN 1082-9873

Information Supply beyond text at the German National Library of Science and Technology - Challenges and planning
Together with I. Bluemel
Interlending and Document Supply
Vol 38, Issue 2


A visual digital library approach for time-oriented scientific primary data.
Together with J. Bernard, D. Fellner, O. Koepler, J. Kohlhammer, T. Ruppert, T. Schreck, and I. Sens
Springer International Journal of Digital Libraries
ECDL 2010 Special Issue

2011 Best Paper Honorable Award (IGD Computer Graphics Evening).

Embedded infrastructure for primary data in chemistry
Together with O. Koepler, G. Fels, I. Sens et al
Journal of ChemInformatics (2010)
I2(Suppl 1):P8

DataCite - A global registration agency for research data
Working Paper 149/2010
German Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD)

An approach for a joint global registration agency for research data
Together with A. Farquhar, A. Gastl, H. Gruttemeier, M. Heijne, A. Heller et al
Information Services & Use 29 (2009) 13–27
ISSN 0167-5265

Der Digital Object Identifier (DOI) und die Verwendung zum Primärdaten-Management
Nestor-Handbuch: Eine kleine Enzyklopädie der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung
ISBN 978-3-940317-48-3

European Initiative to Facilitate Access to Research Data
D-Lib Magazine, Volume 15, No. 5/6
ISSN 1082-9873

China Science & Technology Resources Review,
ISSN 1674-1544
vol.40 No.1, p37-39

Der Digital Object Identifier (DOI) und die Verwendung zum Primärdaten-Management
Kapitel 13.2.2
Nestor-Handbuch: Eine kleine Enzyklopädie der digitalen Langzeitarchivierung

Zitierfähige Datensätze: Primärdaten-Management durch DOI
Togehter with J. Klump
Wissenschaftskommunikation der Zukunft
in Schriften des FZ Jülich - Reihe Bibliothek, Band 18
ISBN 978-3-89336-459-6

Data publication in the Open Access initiative (pdf)
Together with project "Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten"
Data Science Journal 
Volume 5 (2006)
ISSN: 1683-1470

The publication of scientific data by World Data Centers and the
National Library of Science and Technology in Germany
Together with U. Schindler
Data Science Journal 
Volume 5 (2006)
ISSN: 1683-1470

Usage of metadata (pdf)
Dissertation, University of Hannover

"Webservice infrastructure for the registration of scientific primary data" (pdf)
Together with U. Schindler and M. Diepenbroeck
in "Research and advanced technology for digital libraries" Springer LNCS 3652
ISBN: 3-540-28767-1

Using digital library techniques - Registration of scientific primary data (pdf)
in "Research and advanced technology for digital libraries"Springer LNCS 3232
ISBN 3-540-23013-0

Infering Metadata for a Semantic Web Peer-to-Peer Environment (pdf)
Together with M. Painter
in Educational Technology & Society Journal,
April issue (Volume 7 Issue 2).

Ontologies for eLearning (pdf)
Together with W. Nejdl
in "Handbook on Ontologies", Springer-Verlag
ISBN 3-540-40834-7

Annotation for an open learning repository for computer science - case study & OLR3 editor (pdf)
Together with W. Nejdl
in Annotation for the Semantic Web", IOS-press
ISBN 1-58603-345-X

The LOM RDF binding - principles and implementation (pdf)
Together with M.Nilsson, M.Palmer
3rd Annual Ariadne Conference, November 2003
Leuven, Belgium


All talks are freely available. If you are interested in the slides, just contact me.


The forth paradigm: Data intensive research - What the humanities can learn (and try to avoid)
Keynote seminar: Research data in the humanities
December 14th

Data Citation and Scholarship
Opening of workshop: Big and Open Data': Evolving Data Science Standards & Citation Practices
November 5th
New Delhi

Bibliotheken und die Digitale Transformation: Digitalisierung, Aufbau von digitalen Sammlungen und Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Forschungsdaten
DARIAH-DINI-Workshop: Digitales Arbeiten in den Geisteswissenschaften ermöglichen
September 28th

Research data in library context
Keynote 10th Anniversary IGeLU Conference
September 2nd


DataCite - DOI names for scientific data sets
DOI Outreach Conference 2014
November 21th

A 5 year history of DataCite and the 10 year anniversary of assigning DOI names to scientific data
SciDataCom 2014
November 4th
New Delhi

DataCite - A global approach for data sharing
Open Access week
October 23rd
Tartu, Estonia

ICSTI conference "New approaches for Knowledge Platforms
October 20th

DataCite - A global approach for data sharing
NISO virtual conference
April 23rd

Was ist DataCite?
2. DataCite-Workshop
January 16th


DataCite - Persistent links to scientific data
DOI outreach meeting
December 5th
Beijing, China

Beyond text - New roles for libraries
DOI outreach meeting
December 3rd
Taipei, Taiwan

DataCite – global infrastructure for making data citable based on the DOI system
EUDAT 2nd conference
October 28th-30th

PubMan Days 2013 of the Max Planck Digital Library
October 24th

Introduction to DataCite services
4th DataCite summer meeting - Making research better
September 19th-20th
Washington DC

DataCite—Making Datasets Citable
4th Wolfram data summit
September 5th-6th
Washington DC

DataCite – Persistent links to scientific data
1st PRELIDA workshop
June 26th

What is DataCite?
Member's meeting of the International Doi Foundation (IDF)
June 12th

Session-Moderator: ODIN: 'Identifiers' Connecting Researchers and Research Outputs
May 29th

Aspects of linking: uniqueness, stability, dereferencing and resolution
iBioSphere Workshop Berlin 3: Coordination and routes for cooperation
May 23rd

Neue Rollen für Bibliotheken: Das Beispiel DataCite
April 25th

DataCite's response to the Knowledge Exchange report
Knowledge Exchange workshop 'Making Data Count'
April 12th

What is DataCite?
First Plenary of the Research Data Alliance (RDA)
March 19th
Gothenburg, Sweden

Beyond text: New roles for libraries
Goportis Conference 2013 on Non-Textual Information Strategy and Innovation Beyond Text
March 18th
Hannover, Germany

Future of Library and Information services
ICSTI Winter meeting 2013
March 17th
Hannover, Germany

Closing Keynote
Reserach Data Symposium - Columbia University
February 27th
New York


Was ist DataCite?
DataCite Workshiop - Neue Wege im Forschungsdatenmanagement
December 12.

Keynote: Paradigm shifts in Information Access - beyond classical scholarly publication
GL14 conference
November 29.
Rome, Italy

Roundtable on Data citation
CODATA conference
October 30.
Taipei, Taiwan

The ODIN Project
ODIN Kick-Off event
October 18.
Berlin, Germany

DataCite : Linking data with publications
Internal Workshop at Wiley Publishing
September 28..
Oxford, UK

Reserach data in libraries: The DataCite Consortium
42nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfOe),
September 12.
Lüneburg, Germany

DataCite and linked data
Workshop: Global Interoperability and Linked Data in Libraries
June 19.
Florence, Italy

The Digital Object Identifier System (DOI)
Metadata and Persistent Identifiers for Social and Economic Data
May 7.

DataCite - International Consortium for Data Citation
10th International Bieleld conference
April 25.

Scientific Data at DataCite
EPIC user meeting
April 16.
Helsinki, Finland

Workshop "Industry and Innovation in e-Infrastructures for Horizon 2020 "
March 9.
Brussels, Belgium

DataCite and the CODATA Task Group on Data Citation Standards and Practise
ICTSI workshop "Delivering Data in Science"
March 5.
Paris, France

DataCite revisited – Citing data in the XXIst century, at long last
Academic Publishing in Europe (APE 2012)
January 25.


Riding the Wave - Paradigm shifts in Information Access
eResearch Australia conference
November 9th
Melbourne, Australia

The DataCite consortium
Workshop „ Building a culture of research data citation” - eResearch Australia
November 10th
Melbourne, Australia

Persistent identifier and Catalogues- DataCite: International consortium for data citation
1st Word Data Service (WDS) conference
September 5.
Kyoto, Japan

The DataCite work at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)
DataCite summer meeting - Data and the Scholarly Record: the Changing Landscape
August 24-25
Berkeley USA

DataCite – enhancing referencing of datasets
Developing Data Attribution and Citation Practices and Standards - An International Symposium and Workshop
August 22-23
Berkeley USA

Riding the wave: TIB`s strategy in the context of non-textual materials
National meeting der American Chemical Society (ACS)
August 30.
Denver USA

DataCite - Globale Registrierungsagentur für Forschungsdaten
Session: "Alleine sind wir stark, gemeinsam sind wir stärker"- Der strategische Verbund Goportis als Partner für die Wissenschaft
99. Deutscher Bibliothekartag
June 8.

Community Trust Initiatives: DataCite
33rd annual meeting of the Society for Scholarly publishing
’It's what counts: How data transforms our world’

June 3..
Boston, USA

How DataCite and CODATA support data citation
June 1.
Vancouver, Canada

Persistent identifier and Catalogues, a library's perspective
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011
April 8.
Vienna, Austria

Libraries and data – the DataCite consortium
Workshop: Persistent Identifiers for the Social Sciences
February 2.

DataCite - Improving Access to Research data From the Perspective of Libraries
Academic Publishing in Europe (APE 2011)
January 11.-12.


DataCite: Making Data Citable
Together with B. Hausstein and W. Zenk-Möltgen
2nd Annual European DDI Users Group Meeting
December 8.-9.
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Data and Libraries – The DataCite consortium
Open Access and Open Data conference
December 13.-14.

DataCite – International consortium for data citation
Persistent identifier and Catalogues, a library's perspective
22nd International CODATA Conference
October 25.-29.
Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa

DataCite - Enabling citable research data sets
Sympoium: Challenges for a Systemic Environmental Monitoring and Adequate Indicators
October 9.
Villa Vigoni, Italy

A Visual Digital Library Approach for Time-Oriented Research Data
Together with J. Bernard, D. Fellner, I. Sens et al
September 6.-10.
Glasgow, UK

DataCite – International consortium for data citation
ASCLA preconference “Getting your patrons what they want: information access in libraries and beyond”
ALA conference
Ceremony for the 2010 Rethinking Resource Sharing Innovation Award for DataCite/TIB
June 25.
Washington D.C., USA

DataCite - An eScience initiative
31st Annual IATUL Conference
June 22.
Purdue, USA

DataCite – International consortium for data citation
23rd Polar Libraries Colloquy
June 17.

DataCite Metadata
DataCite summer meeting - Making datasets visible and accessible
June 7.-8.

DataCite – Internationales Konsortium zur Zitierung von Forschungsdaten
Veranstaltung "e-Science & Forschungsdatenmanagement"
March 23.

Zitierfähige Forschungsdaten und die Rolle von Bibliotheken
4. Leipziger Kongress für Information und Bibliothek
Session: Bibliotheken als Akteure im Forschungsdatenmanagement

March 17.

Bridging the gap between data centres and publishers
ICSTI Workshop “Interactive Publications and the Record of Science
February 8.
Paris, France


DataCite – International Data Citation Initiative
Workshop Citability of Research Data
5th international DIgital Curation Conference
December 2nd
London, UK

DataCite - International Data Citation Initiative
November 20.-22.
Bejiing, China

Information Supply beyond text at the German National Library of Science and Technology - Challenges and planning
Together with I. Bluemel
11th Interlending and Document Supply Conference
Session 5 “The Future of Information Services“

October 22.

"My personal overall favourite paper was Dr. Jan Brase’s paper entitled “Information Supply beyond text at the German National Library of Science and Technology - and planning”, where he showed the work done to integrate non-textual information into the catalogue, and how multi-media, including maps, holographic images, videos, and so on were being integrated into their catalogue records. This is outstanding, pioneering work, and I strongly recommend reading both his paper and powerpoint presentation."
Kim Baker, LIASA-IN-TOUCH, Volume 11, Isuue 1, p.8.

Access to research data – What can libraries do to help?
ICSTI 2009 Conference: Managing Data for Science
June 9.-10.
Ottawa, Canada

Der Digital Objekt Identifier (DOI) auch für Bibliotheken
98. Deutscher Bibliothekartag
Session: Die Verwendung von Persistent Identifiern für den Zugriff auf digitale Objekte

98. Deutscher Bibliothekartag
June 4.

Research data in library catalogues
2009 annual DTIC conference
April 8.
Alexandria, USA

Publication and Citation of Scientific Primary Data
2009 CNI spring task force meeting
April 7.
Minneapolis, USA

Extending the Scope of Journal Articles: Certifying and Publishing Experimental Data
Together with I. Sens, S. Haak and G. Herrmann
American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting
March 22 – 26.
Salt Lake City, USA

Zitierfähige Forschungsdaten - Eine Option für die Informatik?
Arbeitstreffen des GI-Arbeitskreises Entwicklung Digitaler Bibliotheken
March 17.

Zitierfähige Forschungsdaten in der Physik?
Together with I. Sens
73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellscchaft (DPG)
March 3.

Research data in library catalogues and the joint initiative of European technical libraries for data registration
Workshop Primary Data in Libraries
at the ICSTI 2009 winter meeting
March 2.
Paris, France

Invited talk: Persistent Identifier in Theorie und Praxis
Institut für Museumsforschung in Berlin-Dahlem
January 16.


Zitierfähige Datensätze – Primärdaten im Bibliothekskatalog der TIB
Session: Management von Forschungs- und Primärdaten
97. Deutscher Bibliothekartag
June 4.
Mannheim, Germany

DOI registration for Scientific Primary Data
International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) 2008 conference
June 12.
Seoul, Korea

Management von Primärdaten:
Neue Kooperation der Technischen Informationsbibliothek (TIB) mit dem Georg Thieme Verlag

Together with S. Haak
60. Jahrestagung der DGI und 30. DGI-Online-Tagung
Session: Zugangswege und Anwendungen

October 15.-17.
Frankfurt book fare, Germany
und in
Verfügbarkeit von Information
Proceedings 60. Jahrestagung der DGI
ISBN 978-3-925474-63-7

Persistent Identifiers in the Publication and Citation of Scientific Data - Theory and Practice
Together with project "Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten"
Session "The Library Data Center Alliance in Earth and Space Sciences"
AGU Fall Meeting 2008

San Francisco, USA

Invited Talk: Primärdaten-Management durch DOI-Namen: Das Projekt „CoData“
DFG Rundgespräch Forschungsprimärdaten
January 17.
Bonn, Germany

Invited Talk: DOI registration at the TIB
L’Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST)
March 12.
Nancy, France

Invited Talk: Access to Non-textual Information: The Big Challenge for Libraries
– What the DOI System Can Do to Help,

International DOI foundation (IDF) Open Meeting: Resource Access for a Digital World
June 17.
Brussels, Belgium

Invited Talk: Raw research data in library catalogues
STM Innovations Seminar
New Streams, New Views, New Directions, Moving to a Future Beyond Text

December 5.
London, UK


Zitierfähige Datensätze: Primärdaten-Management durch DOI
WissKom2007 - Wissenschaftskommunikation der Zukunft
November 6. - 8.
Jülich, Germany

The German National library as a DOI registration agency
The 2nd International Symposium on the Cooperation and Promotion
of Information Resources in Science and Technology (COINFO)

October, 28.
Beijing, China

Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Spezialbibliotheken e.V. (ASpB)
September, 26.
Berlin, Germany

A system for easy access to scientific information using DOI
Together with I. Sens
IATUL 2007 Conference on
Global access to Science

June 11.-14.
Stockholm, Sweden

Invited Talk: Die TIB als DOI-Registrierungsagentur
Beispiel einer Kooperation mit einer HGF-Einrichtung

Forschungszentrum Jülich 22.01.2007.
Jülich, Germany

Invited Talk: Citability of scientific data
World Data Centres Conference 2007 08.05.2007
Bremerhaven, Germany

Invited Talk: The TIB as a DOI registration agency
Annual IDF meeting
open meeting "Innovative use of DOI systems"
Washington D.C., USA

Invited Talk: Persistent Identifier in Theorie und Praxis
Fachhochschule Hannover- Fakultät IV. 04.10.2007
Hannover, Germany


ELEONET: The Search Portal for Learning Objects
Together with S.Chernov, W. Nejdl and A. Ordóñez
m-ICTE2006 - IV International Conference on
Multimedia and ICTs in Education

November 22.-25.
Seville, Spain

Every Bit Counts – Publication and Citation of Data in the Earth Sciences
Together with project "Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten"
American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting 2006
11–15 December 2006
San Francisco, USA

Persistent identifiers for future formats
Workshop OA publishing
International Conference on Open Access
March 29.-31.
Golm, Germany

Citability and persistency of scientific primary data
13th German-Japanese Workshop on Chemical Information
May,  25-26.
Tokyo, Japan

New access to scientific content - The TIB as a DOI registration agency
13th German-Japanese Workshop on eScience
May,  25-26.
Tokyo, Japan

Invited Talk: Nachweis und Zitierfähigkeit von Primärdaten
Together with I. Sens
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 20.-24.März

Invited Talk: Zum Stand DOI in Deutschland
Workshop Standardisierungsbedarf im Kontext Langzeitarchivierung und Digitalisierung. 2.-3.11.2006

Invited Talk: Persistent Identifier in Theorie und Praxis
ETH Bibliothek Zürich. 16.11.2006
Zürich, Switzerland


Neue Wege des Publizierens: Die Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher
Primärdaten“  (pdf)
Together with project "Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten"
11.IuK-Jahrestagung 2005. Mai 2005
Bonn, Germany

Standards for the publication of scientific data by World Data Centres
and the National Library of Science and Technology in Germany

Together with project "Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten"
Workshop on International Scientific Data, Standards and Digital Libraries
at Joint conference for digital libraries (JCDL2005) June 7-11
Denver, USA

"Webservice infrastructure for the registration of scientific primary data" (pdf)
Together with U. Schindler and M. Diepenbroeck
9th European Conference on digital libraries (ECDL 2005), September 2005
Vienna, Austria

"Citability of scientific primary data - New ways for access techniques"
Together with project "Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten"
Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical data
(PV 2005
) 21-23 November 2005
Edinburgh,  UK

"Data Centres and their role in Publication and Access to Data"
Together with project "Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten" & E.Paliouras
  Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical data
(PV 2005
) 21-23 November 2005
Edinburgh,  UK

"Getting the most out of COCOON: A XML-based webservice for a registration agency"
Together with J. Hinzmann
XML 2005
November 2005
Atlanta, USA

Invited talk: TIB: non-profit registration agency for Scientific Primary Data (ppt)
IDF meeting, 14.06.2005
Bologna, Italy

Talk: Usage of metadata(ppt)
Disputation for Dr.rer.nat., 02.09.2005



Using digital library techniques - Registration of scientific primary data (pdf)
8th European Conference on digital libraries (ECDL 2004) , September 2004
Bath, UK

Using Semantic Web Technologies for context-aware Information Providing to Mobile Devices (pdf)
Togehter with F. Abel
Technical Report

Invited talk: Publication of scientific data (ppt)
Together with I.Sens
4th annual meeting of the European meteorology society). September 2004
Nice, France

Invited talk: Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten  (ppt)
EPICUR Workshop, Die Deutsche Bibliothek, 18.5.2004

Invited talk: Publication and Citation of Scientific Primary Data (ppt)
IDF meeting, 22.06.2004
London, England

Talk: A learning system for content classification (ppt)
Forschungszentrum L3S, research seminar. 08.01.2004

Talk: Metadata for Digital Libraries (ppt)
Forschungszentrum L3S, research seminar. 29.10.2004

Talk: TIBORDER-neu (ppt)
Forschungszentrum L3S, research seminar. 10.12.2004


Integrating Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques and Open RDF-based Environments (pdf)
Together with P. Dolog, R. Gavriolae und W. Nejdl
12th international world wide web conference (WWW2003). May 2003
Budapest, Ungarny

Completion Axioms for learning object metadata - Towards a formal description of LOM (pdf)
Together with M.Painter, W.Nejdl
Best poster award
3rd international conference on advanced learning technologies (ICALT). July 2003
Athens, Greece

Intelligent Authoring metadata for a semantic web peer-tp-peer environment (pdf)
Together with W. Nejdl, M. Painter, M. Sintek, U. Thaden
Technical Report

Invited talk: ULI als ein Testbed für p2p Netzwerke (ppt)
Together with U. Thaden
ULI-Halbjahrestreffen, Wittenberg. 14.03.2003

Invited talk: Edutella in the context of the ULI project (ppt)
Padlr workshop, Karlsruhe. 20.03.2003

Talk: Inferencing over RDF Metadata course descriptions (ppt)
Forschungszentrum L3S, research seminar. 11.02.2003

Talk: Edutella in the context of the ULI project. What is the ULI test bed? (ppt)
Forschungszentrum L3S, info lunch. 30.04.2003

Talk: MINERVA Metadata Inference Engine (ppt)
Together with R. Gavriloaie
Forschungszentrum L3S, research seminar. 09.07.2003

Talk: Using Declarative Programming for the Semantic Web (ppt)
Together with R. Gavriloaie
Forschungszentrum L3S, research seminar. 16.10.2003


"Editing Learning objects metadata" (pdf)
Together with W.Nejdl, T.Kunze
15th European conference on artifical intelligence (SAAKM workshop). July 2002
Lyon, France

Schema Driven Input of RDF Metadata (pdf)
Together with W.Nejdl, T.Kunze
1st international Semantic Web conference (ISWC). June 2002
Sardinia, Italy

Invited Talk: Annotation einiger ULI-Kurse mit LOM-Metadaten (ppt)
ULI/VIROR-workshop, Dagstuhl. 21.10.2002

Talk: Nutzung von Ontologien für die Strukturierung und Indizierung von Lehrmaterialien (ppt)
Forschungszentrum L3S, info lunch. 13.02.2002


"RDF-version of the ACM Computing Classification System"

Deutsche Version der Learning Objects Metadaten (LOM) des LTSC/IEEE
Basierend auf draft 6.0 Version


Nullstellen dirichletscher L-Funktionen und ihrer Ableitungen (pdf)
Diploma Thesis, University of Hannover

PC Membership

IEEE International Workshop on Context Aware Ubiquitous Learning (CAUL2006)
International Scientific Program Committee for the CODATA 2010 confernece


IEEE TCLT's Journal of Educational Technology & Society - special issue
"Interoperability of Educational Systems"

Supervised work

Diplomarbeit 2005: Fadil Düman Semi-automatische Content-Klassifizierung von PDF-Dokumenten (pdf)
Diplomarbeit 2005: Dagi Troeger Die aktuelle Bedeutung von ROSETTA-NET als Standard im eBusiness-Datenaustausch (pdf)
Bachelorarbeit 2005: Jan Hinzmann Weiterentwicklung des Web development frameworks COCOON zu einem vollständigen Webservice  (pdf)
Bachelorarbeit 2004: Fabian Abel Kontextbasierte Informationsbereitstellung auf Basis des Semantic Web (pdf)
Studienarbeit 2001 Tobias Kunze. Entwurf einer Java Entwicklungsumgebung für Laborversuche mit dem LEGO Mindstorms RCX (pdf) (programme).
Studienarbeit 2001 Toni Gläser. LEGOLOG-LEGO Mindstorms und ein Golog Planer. (pdf)


1999 - 2001 PROMISE Final report (MWK)
2001 - 2003 ULI Final report (BMBF)
2004 - 2005 Zitierfähigkeit wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten (DFG)
2005 - 2006 ELEONET (EU)
2006 - 2009 Datenpublikation und die Registrierungsagentur für wissenschaftliche Daten an der Technischen Informationsbibliothek - Etablierungsphase mit dem Schwerpunkt Erdsystemforschung (DFG)

Whether or ... KÄNG

MOA Theater

Die Hannover Revue